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About Us

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Our Company

Rathod Software address a range of IT management areas, such as customized software application, Web development, Search Engine Optimization, Computer Hardware & Netwroking Solution as per customer requirement.

These solutions offer you dependable services and predictable costs that scale to your business. They also improve your flexibility to manage increasingly complex IT environments, because you can't always know how your business will grow and change.

We are Jamnagar-Gujarat based Software Development company. Our mission is to provide total customer satisfaction with state of art products and solutions. Since 2009, we are able to provide exact solution to customer’s requirement.

Why Choose Us?

* Expert and experianced team.

* Simple and easy user interface for software and website.

* Best and relable services.

Our Solutions

This software manages student data, fee collection data, TC data, Bonafide certificate user may manage and maintain all the data related to the school as per customer requirement. Simple, easy and flexibal user interface.
This software manages goods details, Invard and outward transcations , customer and dealers transaction managment and stock management as per customer requirement. Simple, easy and flexibal user interface.
This software manages all bikes and bike parts inventory and service deatils as per customer requirement. Simple, easy and flexibal user interface.
This software manages customer, car and it's services details. It also manages stock inventory of all parts available in store. Department wise entry and tracking system for car servicing process. Simple, easy and flexibal user interface.

Our Expertise

Web Development
40% Complete (success)
40% Complete (success)
User Experience
40% Complete (success)
40% Complete (success)